हमारी ये साईट उन सभी लोगों के लिए है जो अपने करियर के लिए दिन रात लगे हुए हैं और दिन रात नित नई सफलता अर्जित कर रहे है. इस साईट पर आप सरकारी नौकरियों के लिए पूछे प्रश्नों को डिटेल में हल सहित प्राप्त कर पाएंगे. किरण प्रकाशन परिवार आपकी सफलता की सतत कामना करता है...
Dear Friends, Kindly send us your interview experiences on our e.mail ID "kiranprakashan.pvtltd@gmail.com". This will act as a guideline for the other appearing candidates. If you cannot share the complete experience then kindly share at least some. We are helping you succeed your exam. You also join our hands and help others in getting their success. Best wishes...Kiran Prakashan Pariwar !!!

You will find everything for your competitive exams. Just type and search what do to want.

Monday 30 May 2016



Second submarine assembly workshop of the Mazagon Dock Limited (MDL) was inaugurated by Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar on 28 May 2016.
After inaugurating the workshop, Parrikar said that the level of indigenisation in submarine construction should be much higher than the present.

Saturday 28 May 2016



Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is sharing a push by the Group of Seven advanced industrial nations to promote inclusive growth across the globe in meetings with leaders of seven developing countries. 
The bilateral summit meetings with leaders of Bangladesh, Chad, Indonesia, Laos, Papua New Guinea,
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टायटनवेस्टसाइडक्रोमासह अन्य उत्पादनांना ‘टाटाक्लिकचे व्यासपीठ उत्पादनांच्या विक्रीकरिता आपल्या लोकप्रिय नाममुद्रांना नव्या जमान्याच्या ई- व्यापार मंचाची जोड देण्याच्या मानसाने टाटा समूहाने या क्षेत्रात आता प्रत्यक्ष उडी घेतली आहेस्नॅपडिलफ्लिपकार्टसारख्या कंपन्या या क्षेत्रात येऊन स्थिरावल्यानंतर या क्षेत्रात प्रथमच देशांतील परंपरागत बडय़ा उद्योगघराण्याने टाटांच्या रूपात रस दाखविला आहेसमूहाचे मानद अध्यक्ष रतन टाटा यांनी गेल्या काही वर्षांत व्यक्तिगत
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वॉशिंगटन. अमेरिका ने पाकिस्तान से दो टूक कहा है कि न्यूक्लियर सप्लायर्स ग्रुप (एनएसजीमें भारत की एंट्री का हथियारों की दौड़ से कोई लेना-देना नहीं है। 
अमेरिका के मुताबिकइसकी मेंबरशिप के लिए भारत का नाम इसलिए प्रपोज किया गया हैक्योंकि भारत ने सिविलियन सेक्टर में न्यूक्लियर एनर्जी का बेहतर इस्तेमाल किया है। बता दें कि पाकिस्तान एनएसजी में भारत को मेंबरशिप दिए जाने का विरोध कर रहा है। इसी पर अमेरिका ने उसे फटकार लगाई है

Friday 27 May 2016

The Other View-Not Plassey 1757 but Samugarh 1658: Fateful tipping point that fixed the subcontinent’s future course

The Other View-Not Plassey 1757 but Samugarh 1658: Fateful tipping point that fixed the subcontinent’s future course

On May 29, 1658, India’s history changed forever. Aurangzeb’s victory over his brother Dara Shikoh marked the beginning of Islamic bigotry in India that not only alienated Hindus but the much more moderate Sufis and Shias as well. Aurangzeb’s narrow Sunni beliefs were to make India the hotbed of Muslim fundamentalists, long before the Wahhabis of Saudi Arabia sponsored the fanatics of Taliban and Islamic State.
Two great Mughal armies, led by Shah Jahan’s eldest son Dara Shikoh and his third son Aurangzeb, clashed on a dusty plain 20 km southeast of Agra. It was not only a battle for the Mughal throne, but a battle for the very soul of India.

It pitted Dara, an eclectic scholar who respected all religions, against Aurangzeb who was an orthodox Sunni Muslim. Dara had translated the Bhagwad Gita and Upanishads from Sanskrit into Persian, to make them known to the public for the first time. The fact that he had been a Sanskrit scholar shows that there had been considerable Hindu-Muslim amity in the time of Shahjahan.



वॉशिंग्टन - "नॅशनल जिऑग्राफिक बी कॉम्पिटिशन‘मध्ये भारतीय वंशाचा अमेरिकन विद्यार्थी ऋषी नायर (वय 12) हा विजयी ठरला. या स्पर्धेच्या तीनही टप्प्यांत त्याचे वर्चस्व दिसून आले. फ्लोरिडा येथे राहणारा ऋषी सहाव्या इयत्तेत शिकत आहे. "नॅशनल जिऑग्राफिक‘च्या मुख्य कार्यालयात ही 28 वी स्पर्धा घेण्यात आली. पारितोषिकाच्या स्वरूपात त्याला 50 हजार डॉलरची महाविद्यालयीन शिष्यवृत्ती मिळणार असून



नीति आयोग ने अटल नवाचार मिशन के तहत 26 मई 2016 को तीन प्रमुख योजनाओं (क) स्‍कूलों में टिंकरिंग प्रयोगशालाओं की स्‍थापना (ख) नये इन्‍क्‍यूबेशन केंद्रों की स्‍थापना और (ग) पहले से ही स्‍थापित इन्‍क्‍यूबेशन केंद्रों की क्षमता वृद्धि के तहत आवेदन करने के लिए पात्र स्‍कूलों/संगठनों एवं लोगों से आवेदन आमंत्रित किए हैं.



PARIS: The Statue of Liberty, Uganda's gorilla forest, Stonehenge and Venice — theUnited Nations on Thursday listed 31 protected sites threatened by sea level rise, drought and other climate change effects.

Thursday 26 May 2016



क्वालिटी शीर्षक रिपोर्ट जारी की गयी. यह रिपोर्ट दूसरी संयुक्त राष्ट्र पर्यावरण महासभा के दौरान जारी की गयी.
रिपोर्ट के अनुसार, विश्व में वायु की घटती गुणवत्ता के साथ कुछ कदम उठाने आवश्यक हैं इसमें राजनीतिक शक्तियों को अपनी दृढ़ इच्छाशक्ति दिखाना आवश्यक है.



China has signed agreements with Sudan, its close ally in Africa to build 600-megawatt atomic reactor, the first such project in the African country, official media reported on Thursday.Two framework deals have been signed by state-owned China National Nuclear Corp (CNNC) with Sudan on nuclear power development, including building a 600-megawatt atomic reactor, official media China Daily reported.

Wednesday 25 May 2016



A house is where new dreams are born and are nurtured, thus making it one of the most basic needs for survival. But an affordable housing sometime just remains a dream for many people. To address the housing requirement of poor, Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched a comprehensive mission "Housing for All by 2022".

Former Asian silver-medallist Sonia Lather is the lone Indian boxer to make the semifinals at the AIBA Women's World Championships in Kazakhstan. 



A house is where new dreams are born and are nurtured, thus making it one of the most basic needs for survival. But an affordable housing sometime just remains a dream for many people. To address the housing requirement of poor, Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched a comprehensive mission "Housing for All by 2022".
Former Asian silver-medallist Sonia Lather is the lone Indian boxer to make the semifinals at the AIBA Women's World Championships in Kazakhstan. 

Tuesday 24 May 2016



रॉबिन्सन और केन्याई राजनयिक मचारिया कमाउ को एल नीनो और जलवायु मामलों का विशेष दूत नियुक्त किया.
हर दो से सात साल में आने वाले अल नीनो मौसमी बदलाव के कारण बारिश का चक्र प्रभावित होता है और सूखे एवं बाढ़ जैसी स्थिति भी पैदा हो जाती है.



Pakistan-born Bollywood singer and actor Salma Agha has applied for Overseas Citizen of India (OCI) card and her request is being examined by the Home Ministry.
Ms. Agha has applied for the card that gives multiple entry, multi-purpose life-long visa to visit India and 

Monday 23 May 2016

Swadeshi Space Shuttle Tests, ISRO's 'Mission Accomplished': 10 Facts

Swadeshi Space Shuttle Tests, ISRO's 'Mission Accomplished': 10 Facts

  • The 6.5 metre-long scale model of the re-usable launch vehicle weighs about 1.75 tonnes and was made at a cost of Rs. 95 crore. It was built at the Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre in Thiruvananthapuram by a team of 600 scientists over five years.
  • Re-usable technology aims to help reduce the cost of launching objects into space by 10 times. It costs about $ 20,000 to send a kilogram in space currently.
  • Indian Space Research Organization or ISRO plans to test two more such prototypes before the final version which will be about six times larger at around 40 metres and will take off around 2030.
  • After the test flight was declared successful, Prime Minister Narendra Modi congratulated scientists at ISRO and tweeted: “Launch of India's first indigenous space shuttle RLV-TD is the result of the industrious efforts of our scientists. Congrats to them.”
  • The spacecraft was launched atop a nine-ton rocket engine that has been designed to burn slowly



  1. भारत ईरान सांस्कृतिक आदान प्रदान कार्यक्रम।
  2. दोनों सरकारों के बीच नीतिगत बातचीत और थिंक टैंक के बीच परिचर्चाएं होंगी।

अनुराग ठाकुर 22 मई 2016 को मुंबई में निर्विरोध रूप से बीसीसीआई के 34वें अध्यक्ष निर्वाचित किये गये. वे सितंबर 2017 तक बीसीसीआई अध्यक्ष पद पर रहेंगे.
अनुराग ठाकुर हिमाचल प्रदेश के हमीरपुर जिले से बीजेपी के लोकसभा सांसद भी हैं. वे दूसरे सबसे युवा बीसीसीआई अध्यक्ष हैं. उनसे पहले 1963 में फतेह सिंह गायकवाड़ को 33 वर्ष की आयु में बीसीसीआई अध्यक्ष चुना गया था.

आठ बार की उपविजेता रही डेनमार्क ने 22 मई 2016 को फाइनल मुकाबले में इंडोनेशिया को 3-2 से हरा थॉमस कप हासिल करने वाली पहली यूरोपीय टीम बन गई.
डेनमार्क की पुरुष टीम ने सभी एकल मुकाबलों में जीत हासिल करते हुए इस खिताब पर कब्जा जमाया.डेनमार्क की बैडमिंटन टीम के लिए विक्टर एक्सेलेसेन, जान ओ जोर्गेनसेन और हांस क्रिस्टियन विटिंग्स ने जीत हासिल की.

प्रतिष्ठित उबेर कप बैडमिंटन टूर्नामेंट का खिताब चीन ने जीत लिया.
चीन का विश्व टीम चैंपियनशिप मानी जाने वाली इस प्रतियोगिता में यह लगातार 17वां फाइनल था और उसने 14वीं बार यह खिताब अपने नाम किया.
चीन को 2010 में कुआलालम्पुर में कोरिया से 1-3 से हार का सामना करना पड़ा था लेकिन चीन ने उसके बाद 2012 में

इस वर्ष के विषय द्वारा जैव विविधता द्वारा विकास पर प्रकाश डाला गया है. संयुक्त राष्ट्र ने भी विशेष रूप से कहा कि 2030 के सतत विकास एजेंडा के लिए जैव विविधता आवश्यक है.
इसके अतिरिक्त यह भी तय किया गया कि 4 से 17 दिसम्बर 2016 को मेक्सिको में होने वाले 13वें जैव विविधता सम्मेलन में जैव विविधता को मुख्य धारा में लाना प्रमुख मुद्दा होगा.

टैरिक्स हंगरी के वॉटर पोलो टीम के सदस्य थे जिन्होंने नाज़ी सरकार के काल में हुए बर्लिन ओलंपिक्स के दौरान जीत दर्ज की थी.
•    वे एक कुशल इंजिनियर एवं गणितज्ञ थे. उन्होंने 1948 में कम्युनिस्ट पार्टी द्वारा टेकओवर किये जाने के बाद हंगरी छोड़ दिया एवं सैन फ्रांसिस्को में रहने लगे थे. यहां वे यूनिवर्सिटी प्रोफेसर के रूप में कार्यरत रहे.

भारतीय अंतरिक्ष शोध संस्थान (ISRO) सोमवार को आंध्र प्रदेश के श्रीहरिकोटा स्पेस सेंटर से पूरी तरह से भारत में बने स्पेस शटल RLV-TD को लॉन्च किया. इसे भारत का अपना खुद का स्पेस शटल बताया जा रहा है. अमेरिकी स्पेस शटल जैसा दिखने वाला ये शटल फिलहाल प्रयोग की स्थिति में है और अपने असली साइज से 6 गुना छोटा है.
क्या है RLV-TD का लक्ष्य

दिल्ली विधानसभा चुनाव में बीजेपी की मुख्यमंत्री पद की उम्मीदवार रहीं किरण बेदी अब पुडुचेरी में उपराज्यपाल पद की जिम्मेदारी संभालेंगी. इसे बेदी के राजनीतिक जीवनदान के तौर पर देखा जा रहा है. राष्ट्रपति प्रणब मुखर्जी के कार्यालय से उनकी नियुक्ति‍ की पुष्टि‍ की है. पद संभालने के साथ ही उनकी नई पारी शुरू होगी. जबकि बेदी ने नियुक्ति‍ के लिए सरकार का आभार व्यक्त किया है.



Prime Minister Narendra Modi was on Monday accorded a ceremonial welcome as he met Iranian President Hassan Rouhani for talks to deepen trade, investment and energy ties.
Mr. Modi was received by Mr. Rouhani on the forecourts of Saadabad Palace — the seat of executive in Iran.

The world's oldest Olympic champion, Sandor Tarics, died on 21 May 2016 in San Francisco. He was 102. His death was confirmed by Hungarian Olympic Committee MOB.

Sunday 22 May 2016



अनुराग ठाकुर बने BCCI के यंगेस्ट प्रेसिडेंट, इन्हें बनाया गया है नया सेक्रेटरी
बीजेपी सांसद अनुराग ठाकुर को रविवार को बीसीसीआई की एनुअल जनरल मीटिंग में बोर्ड का प्रेसिडेंट चुन लिया गया। वे शशांक मनोहर की जगह लेंगे। शशांक फिलहाल आईसीसी प्रेसिडेंट हैं। अनुराग बीसीसीआई के सबसे यंगेस्ट प्रेसिडेंट हैं। वहीं, अजय शिर्के को ठाकुर की जगह बोर्ड का नया सचिव बनाया गया है। इसलिए चुने गए ठाकुर...- ठाकुर लोकसभा में बीजेपी सांसद हैं। उन्हें ईस्ट जोन के सभी मेंबर्स से सपोर्ट हासिल है। इसी



Mann Ki Baat: Protecting water and forest is our duty, says PM Modi

So many states have undertaken wonderful efforts to mitigate the drought…this is cutting across party lines. Decided to meet every CM individually as opposed to calling all CMs together and having one meeting. Protecting water and forest is our duty. Gujarat and Andhra Pradesh have used technology very well to mitigate the drought. Jan Bhagidari is also vital. An atmosphere should be created in nation to encourage our sports persons who are going for Rio 2016. PM Narendra Modi congratulates students on their success in the recent exam results. please do not see everything as a win or loss. Its about sportsman spirit and creating the right atmosphere. Why to find negativity from everything. There is no cost involved in being healthy. PM Modi speaks about International Yoga Day, to be held on 21 June. He asked everyone to participate in the practicing Yoga. 

Anurag Thakur- youngest president of the Board of Control for Cricket (BCCI) in India.

Anurag Thakur has become one of the youngest presidents of the Board of Control for Cricket in India and his appointment comes at a time when the Board is facing a battle against the Supreme Court regarding their restructuring. Anurag Thakur has taken over the reins of the Board of Control for Cricket in India at a time it is fighting an existential battle against a complete restructuring recommended by the Supreme Court. Being one of the younger officials in the BCCI top brass, he shares a good rapport with the national team's past and present cricketers. In fact, many feel that he is a players' man as he ensured as a secretary that door is not shut on any senior players who are performing. Making Rahul Dravid the coach of India U-19 and 'A' team apart from introducing the clause of BCCI officials signing the 'No Conflict of Interest' clause were some of his steps that have been appreciated.

Accept Islam or be slaughtered': IS' new video targets India on Kashmir, Godhra.

Islamic State has acknowledged the presence of Indians in the group for the very first time, releasing a 22-minute-long propaganda video promising to avenge the killing of Muslims in "Kashmir, Godhra and Mumbai". Released early on Friday, the video features individual jihadists who have joined the cause, and features propaganda meant to convince their "brothers" in India and South Asia to stop mingling and trading and living among Hindus. In the video, stretches of which are in Arabic, one English-speaking jihadist says Muslims in India have three options: "To accept Islam, to pay Jizya, or prepare to be slaughtered". 

'Where Did They Get Dawood's Number?' Minister Eknath Khadse Asks AAP

'We will seal Assam's border with Bangladesh to prevent further infiltration,' says Sonowal

Union Minister and Assam's likely chief minister designate Sarbanda Sonowal has said that when the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)-led coalition assumes administrative charge in the state next week, it will take the decision to seal the border with Bangladesh to prevent infiltration of illegal immigrants. In Assam, the agitation against immigrants started as early as 1979. Led by All Assam Students Union (AASU), the movement called for putting a stop on the influx of immigrants and deportation of those who have already settled.

Urge President Mukherjee not to sign NEET ordinance: Kejriwal 

With the Union Cabinet deciding to approve promulgation of an ordinance to keep state boards out of the ambit of the National Eligibility-cum-Entrance Test (NEET) for one academic session, Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Sunday called on President Pranab Mukherjee not to sign the ordinance. The Chief Minister’s statement comes after reports emerged that the President is seeking clarification on the ordinance and that he was also consulting in house legal experts on certain questions. “It is my humble request to you to ensure that no orders are brought against the Supreme Court ruling in the matter, otherwise people will think that the Centre stand with those who garner black money,” Kejriwal said. The opposition parties have raised concerns that the students passing out from the state boards in vernacular languages and living in remote areas may not be able to perform well enough in common entrance exam despite being competitive.

Cyclone Roanu kills 24, injures over 100 in Bangladesh.

At least 24 people were killed and over 100 others injured as cyclone Roanu battered Bangladesh’s southern coast Saturday, leaving a trail of destruction and prompting authorities to evacuate about five lakh people. With a wind speed of up to 88 kilometres per hour, the cyclone hit the Barisal-Chittagong region, sending impacts across the country. Most places witnessed rain and thunder showers accompanied by temporary gusty and squally wind since early morning.

Taliban leader Mullah Mansour ‘likely killed’ in US airstrike.

In a major victory in the war against terrorism, Taliban leader Mullah Mansour was “likely killed” in a US airstrike in a remote area of western Pakistan bordering Afghanistan, a US official has said. The airstrike that targeted Mansour Saturday was carried out in a remote area of the Afghanistan-Pakistan border region, he said. “Mansour has been the leader of the Taliban and actively involved with planning attacks against facilities in Kabul and across Afghanistan, presenting a threat to Afghan civilians and security forces, our personnel, and Coalition partners,” said Pentagon Press Secretary Peter Cook.

Australian and Dutch climbers die after Everest summit.

An Australian and a Dutch mountaineer have died of altitude sickness after summitting Mount Everest, expedition organisers said, the latest deaths to hit the Himalayan climbing season. The Australian climber was on her way down from Camp 4 to Camp 3 when she fell ill and died yesterday afternoon, Pasang Phurba Sherpa, a board director at Seven Summit Treks, told AFP. "After reaching the summit yesterday she said she was feeling very weak and suffering from a loss of energy... Signs of altitude sickness," Sherpa said. 

Google plans to start selling Project Ara modular phones in 2017

Google plans to start selling its mobile phones with modular, replaceable parts – the first phone ever that the tech giant is manufacturing – by next year, according to a media report. The Project Ara team, involved in developing the product, confirmed that the modular phones would be available to consumers next year, technology website. The Google modular phones will work on a simple concept – once a basic model is bought all the bits can be pulled off and swapped as the consumer sees fit. For instance, if a user fancies a more powerful camera module he can buy one through Google’s dedicated store and replace the existing one with it.

Federation Cup: Mohun Bagan triumph with 'High-Five'

In the end, it was the triumph of experience over a bunch of spirited footballers playing their first Federation Cup final. Aizawl FC gave a fine account of themselves in the first session but Mohun Bagan showed why they are the country's top side. It was also the third time Mohun Bagan won by 5-0 margin in less than a month, starting with the 5-0 rout of Bengaluru FC in the last match of the I-League last month and the 5-0 victory over Shillong Lajong FC in the first leg of the Fed Cup semifinal at home. After a barren first half, Bagan came out with all guns blazing on a rain-drenched pitch and laid siege of the Aizawl citadel.

NASA releases 'record-breaking' super pressure balloon as part of important test mission

NASA estimates the balloon will circumnavigate the globe about the southern hemisphere’s mid-latitudes once every one to three weeks, depending on wind speeds in the stratosphere. This launch marks the beginning of the second SPB flight for COSI, which was developed by the University of California, Berkeley. NASA has launched a super pressure balloon aimed at providing expensive access to the near space environment for science and technology research. The launch of this balloon has been touted as ‘record breaking’ by the space organisations. The flight aims at validating the super pressure balloon (SPB) technology with the goal of long-duration flight (over 100 days) at mid-latitudes. The balloon has been launched from Wanaka Airport in New Zealand. The balloon carrying the Compton Spectrometer and Imager (COSI) gamma-ray telescope as a mission of opportunity.

Scientists modified microalgae to convert sunlight into valuable medicine

Scientists, including one of Indian- origin, have modified microalgae genetically to allow them to transform sunlight into everything ranging from chemotherapy or bioplastics to valuable flavour and fragrance compounds. "We hijack a portion of the energy produced by the microalgae from their photosynthetic systems. By redirecting that energy to a genetically modified part of the cell capable of producing various complex chemical materials, we induce the light-driven biosynthesis of these compounds," said Agnieszka Janina Zygadlo Nielsen, from the University of Copenhagen in Denmark.

Chinese firm to send people on Space trip via balloon at $77000, return trip with parachute.

We hope to lead the growth of the domestic commercial aerospace sector by starting with space parachuting, and gradually establish a path for the public to travel in the space," he said. According to Jiang, the space parachuting trip will cost around 500,000 yuan (USD 77,000).

Turns out, there may be 1 trillion species on Earth.

According to a recent study, Earth could be home to nearly 1 trillion species, with only one-thousandth of 1 percent now identified. The Indiana University scientists combined microbial, plant and animal datasets from government, academic and citizen science sources, resulting in the largest compilation of its kind. Altogether, these data represent more than 5.6 million microscopic and non-microscopic species from 35,000 locations across all the world’s oceans and continents, except Antarctica.

How Immune Cells Trigger Inflammation Discovered.

Scientists have discovered how the immune cells trigger an inflammatory response - a finding that may pave the way for new treatments for many human diseases. Immune cells play essential roles in the maintenance and repair of our bodies. When we injure ourselves, immune cells mount a rapid inflammatory response to protect us against infection and help heal the damaged tissue. "While this immune response is beneficial for human health, many human diseases (including atheroscelerosis, cancer and arthritis) are caused or aggravated by an overzealous immune response," said Helen Weavers, from the University of Bristol in the UK.

Too much sex can change genitals shape: Study

Sexual conflict between males and females can lead to changes in the shape of their genitals, finds a new research conducted on burying beetles. The findings showed that beetles genitals change shape when mating rates are high as females try to keep males at bay.

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