हमारी ये साईट उन सभी लोगों के लिए है जो अपने करियर के लिए दिन रात लगे हुए हैं और दिन रात नित नई सफलता अर्जित कर रहे है. इस साईट पर आप सरकारी नौकरियों के लिए पूछे प्रश्नों को डिटेल में हल सहित प्राप्त कर पाएंगे. किरण प्रकाशन परिवार आपकी सफलता की सतत कामना करता है...
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Showing posts with label Kiran Institute of Career Achievements. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kiran Institute of Career Achievements. Show all posts

Friday, 29 January 2016

Major Points to Remember about Census of India for All Competitive Exams.

Major Points to Remember about Census of India for All Competitive Exams.
मुख्य बातें सभी प्रतियोगी परीक्षाओं के लिए भारत की जनगणना के बारे में याद करने के लिए ।

Census 2011 is the 15 Census of India since 1872. The motto of census 2011 was ‘Our Census, Our future’.
The population of the country as per the provisional figures of Census 2011 is 1210.19 million of which 623.72 million (51.54%) are males and 586.46 million (48.46%) are females.
2011 की जनगणना 1872 के बाद से भारत के 15 जनगणना 2011 की जनगणना के आदर्श वाक्य हमारी जनगणना , हमारा भविष्य था। 2011 की जनगणना के अनंतिम आंकड़ों के अनुसार देश की जनसंख्या 1210190000 , जो 623,720,000 ( 51.54 %) के पुरुषों और 586,460,000 ( 48.46 %) महिलाएं हैं कर रहे हैं।
Sex Ratio (Females per 1000 Males)
Sex ration in India – 940
State with Highest Female Sex Ratio- Kerala (1,058)
State with Lowest Female Sex Ratio- Haryana( 861)
UT with Highest Female Sex Ratio- Pondicherry(1,001)
UT with Lowest Female Sex Ratio- Daman & Diu( 710)

Monday, 11 January 2016


Some Amazing Facts about Google-www.KICAonline.com
googol is a large number equal to (i.e., a 1 with 100 zeros following it). Written out explicitly.
  1. Google's original name was BACKRUB. Then Google came as the spelling mistake of word "Googol". May be that's why googlers get free massages in office.
  2. Google's headquarter is called "Googleplex" which means the number equivalent to ten raised to the power of a googol.
  3. In Googleplex, TGIF (Thank God Its Friday) used to happen on each friday as weekly all-hands where Larry, Sergey and other googlers discuss about Google. As friday afternoon at Mountain view was too late for other offices of google worldwide, now it happens on each thursday and its

Sunday, 10 January 2016


What are some amazing facts about Google or Microsoft?


The Google reCAPTCHA Project

We have all come across the ubiquitous captcha - the colourful images with distorted text - a reverse Turing test of sorts. These work because no algorithm at present can read distorted text as well as we humans do. However not all the distorted texts are unreadable by machines. About 200 million captchas are solved everyday, amounting to more than 150,000 hours of work each day. Considering the numbers involved, a safe captcha generation system was needed. Enter Google reCAPTCHA. To make a positive use of this immense human effort, the reCAPTCHA channels the effort spent solving captcha online into "reading" books.

To archive human knowledge and to make information more accessible to the world, multiple projects are digitizing physical books that were written before the computer age. The book pages

Thursday, 7 January 2016


Periodic Table’s 7th Period is Finally Complete, IUPAC-IUPAP Officials Say


The 7th period of the periodic table now has four new elements: element 113 (temporarily named as Ununtrium, or Uut)element 115 (Ununpentium, or Uup)element 117 (Ununseptium, or Uus), and element 118 (Ununoctium, or Uuo), says a group of experts from the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) and the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP).

Tuesday, 11 August 2015

SSC Tier-1 09-08-2015 2nd Sitting Hindi Medium-www-KICAonline-com

SSC Tier-1 09-08-2015 2nd Sitting Hindi Medium-www-KICAonline-com
SSC Tier-1 09-08-2015 2nd Sitting Hindi Medium
For complete Questions with Solution and explanation Download "Mobile Exam" app from Play Store. www.KICAonline.com

Tuesday, 20 January 2015

IBPS Calender for 2015 Out: IBPS PO and Clerical Exams in two Tiers आय बी पी एस का सिलेबस बदल गया.

IBPS Calender for 2015 Out: IBPS PO and Clerical Exams in two Tiers
आय बी पी एस का सिलेबस बदल गया.
Hello readers, IBPS calender 2015 is out. As a big surprise, IBPS has decided to hold two-tier examinations for recruitment of PO/MTs and Clerks from CWE-V 2015 onwards.
As per the notification on IBPS website, it has been decided by the competent authority to hold two-tier examinations for recruitment of PO/MT and Clerks from CWE-V onwards. All the candidates who successfully register themselves under CWE PO/MT-V and CWE CLERK-V will be called for Preliminary Examinations. Based on the performance in the preliminary examination, certain number of candidates will be shortlisted for each of these examinations. The short listed candidates will then be called for Main Examinations.
There will be fewer number of questions in the Preliminary Examination with shorter duration. The details with regard to both the Preliminary and Main examinations will be made available on IBPS website through the detailed notifications in due course.
The marks obtained in the Preliminary examination will not be considered for preparing the final merit list and the marks obtained in the Main Examination will only be considered for short listing for
The tentative dates for CWE PO/MT-V are as follows -
Preliminary Examination 03.10.2015, 04.10.2015, 10.10.2015 &11.10.2015
Also, IBPS RRB exam will be held in September 2015 and IBPS Clerk V will be held in December 2015.

Click below link for Official Notification

Wednesday, 7 January 2015

Kiran Prakashan Books at Flat 40% Discount Rate.

IBPS Clerk IV recruitment 2014: Results declared

IBPS Clerk IV recruitment 2014: Results declared
Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) has declared the result for the IBPS Common Written Examination (CWE) Clerical Cadre IV 2014.
The candidates who appeared for the written examination can check the results online via the IBPS official website: http://ibps.sifyitest.com/cweclkjan15/login.php?appid=dfnksfllkdaaahs
The results is against the exams conducted between December 6, 7, 13, 14 , 20, 21,and 27, 2014 for the clerical posts in various public sector banks and regional rural banks. Candidates may follow the instructions given below so as to download the results against the IBPS Clerical Cadre IV Exam 2014:
Log on to the official website of IBPS.
Click the link titled as IBPS Clerical Cadre CWE IV online exam 2014 results.
Enter the details as instructed.
Submit the entered data to view the results.
IBPS Clerical Cadre CWE IV online exam 2014 results would appear on the screen.

Monday, 15 December 2014

Who is Who for all Exams

For many such updates Download our Apps(Totally Free) www.kica.in

1.Chief Election Commissioner of. India -V. S. Sampath

2.Chairperson, National Human Rights Commission-Justice K. G.Balakrishnan

3.Chief Commissioner, Central Information Commission- Rajeev Mathur

4.Chairman, National Commission for Minorities -Naseem Ahmed

5.Chairman, National Commission for SC - P. L. Punia

6.Chairman, National Commission for ST - Rameshwar Oraon

7.Chairperson, National Commission for Women - Lalitha Kumaramangalam

8.Chairman, Atomic Energy Commission - Ratan Kumar Sinha

9.Chairman, ISRO - K. Radhakrishnan

10.Chairman, Union Public Service Commission - Deepak Gupta

11.Chairman, National Knowledge Commission - Sam Pitroda

12.Chairman, University Grants Commission - Ved Prakash

13.Chairman, Central Water Commission - Ashwin B. Pandya

14.Chairman, 14th Finance Commission of India - Y.Venugopal Reddy 

15.Governor of Reserve Bank of India - Raghuram Rajan

16.Chairman, Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) - Upendra Kumar Sinha

17.Chairman, Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority - T. S. Vijayan

18.Cabinet Secretary of India - Ajit Seth

19.National Security Adviser - Ajit Kumar Doval

20.Deputy National Security Adviser - Arvind Gupta

21.Secretary-General of the Rajya Sabha - Shumsher K. Sheriff

22.Secretary-General of the Lok Sabha - Anoop mishra

23.Attorney General of India - Mukul Rohatgi

24.Comptroller and Auditor General of India - Shashi Kant Sharma

25.Solicitor General of India - Ranjit Kumar

26.Principal Scientific Adviser - R. Chidambaram

27.Permanent Representative of India to the United Nations - Asoke Kumar Mukerji

28.Chairman, Railway Board - Arunendra Kumar

29.Foreign Secretary - Sujatha Singh

30.Union Home Secretary - Anil Goswami

31.Financial services secretary - Hasmukh Adhia

32.Finance&economic affairs Secretary - Rajiv Mehrishi

33.Chief of Army Staff - Dalbir Singh Suhag

34.Chief of Air Staff - Air Chief Marshal Arup Raha

35.Chief of Naval Staff - Robin K Dhowan

36.Chief of Integrated Defence Staff - Air Marshal PP Reddy

37.Director General, Border Security Force - D K PATHAK

38.Director General, Central Reserve Police Force - Dileep Trivedi

39.Director General, Central Industrial Security Force - Arvind Ranjan

40.Director-General of MilitaryIntelligence - R. K. Loomba

41.Director, Central Bureau of Investigation - Anil Sinha

42.Director, Intelligence Bureau - Syed Asif Ibrahim

43.Director General, National Investigation Agency - Sharad Kumar

44.Secretary (Research) - Alok Joshi

45.CBDT Chairman - Anitha Kapoor

46.Chief Economic Advisor - Arvind Subramanian

47.Principle secretary of Prime minister - Nripendra Mishra

IBPS Clerk GK Questions 2014

IBPS Clerk GK Questions 2014

Asked in 13th Dec. 2014 Exam (Morning Shift)

1). What is the full form of NAV?

Answer- Net Asset Value

2). What is the use of KYC ?

Answer- Anti Money Laundring

3). Richard Flanagan is the citizen of which country?

Answer- Australia

4).What is the capital of saudi arabia?

Answer- Riyadh

5). Narendra Modi is the second prime minister who gave speech in

Hindi in UN, first was ?

Answer- Atal Bihari Vajpayee

6).What is the constituency of Nitin Gadkari?

Answer- Nagpur

7).Verge e mail provided by which company?

Answer- IBM

8).What is the currency of Brazil

Answer- Real

9).What is the full form of IPO?

Answer- Initial Public Offering

10). Who is the Science and Technology Minister ?

Answer- Harsh Vardhan

11). Air Force Day

Answer- 8th October

12). UNDP Headquarter

Answer- New York

13). Women Kabaddi Team got which medal in the recent Asian games?

Answer- Gold Medal

14). Seema Poonia related to which sports?

Answer- Discus Throw

15). Interest on Saving Account is given on ?

Answer- Daily basis

16). Who won Nobel Prize in Literature 2014 ?

Answer- Patrick Modiano

17). Tintu Luka related to which Sports?

Answer- Athletics

18). Who topped in Asian Games medals tally?

Answer- China

19). Which one is not a monetary tool?

Answer- Base Rate

20). Gujarat govt. declared Vadodara as ?

Answer- State Cultural Capital

21). What is the full form of GIGO?

Answer- Garbage In, Garbage Out

22). What is the full form of PDF?

Answer- Portable Document Format

23). MS DOS is ?

Answer- Command Based OS

24). What is the full form of BIOS ?

Answer- Basic Input Output System

25). What is the full form of ECS ?

Answer- Electronic Clearing System

26). What is the option to go at the end of the page?

Answer- Ctrl + End

27). Which of the following is an operating System ?

Answer- Windows 8

28). Which is the option to go to the first line of the page ?

Answer- Ctrl + home

29). What is the theme of SAARC smmit 2014?

Answer- Deeper Integration for Peace and Prosperity

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